
The ability to do work.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand which forms of energy are important for driving the climate system.
  • Explain the difference between heat and temperature.
  • Describe the mechanisms by which energy is transported.
  • Understand how we account for energy and mass conversions in the atmosphere.


We’ll try using I clicker today:

  • Use the join code: PXPZ
  • Or follow this link:

If these options don’t work, go to:

  • Then search for Atmospheric Environments ## iClicker

We’ll try using I clicker today:

  • Use the join code: PXPZ
  • Or follow this link:

If these options don’t work, go to:

  • Then search for Atmospheric Environments

Which forms of energy are important in the atmosphere?

Test Poll

I am able to join and answer:

  • A - Yes

  • B - No

Test Poll

I am able to join and answer:

  • A - Yes

  • B - No

Forms of energy in the atmosphere

  • Radiation: electromagnetic waves (e.g., sunlight)
  • Sensible heat: thermal energy we can feel (e.g., warm air, cold ice)
  • Latent heat: phase changes of a water (e.g., evaporation, condensation)
  • Chemical energy: bonds of atoms (e.g., photosynthesis)
  • Kinetic: from motion (e.g., winds)
  • Geopotential: position in gravitational field

Heat vs. Temperature

Heat is the thermal energy

  • Sum of kinetic and potential energy

Temperature a (relative) measure of thermal energy.

  • Average random kinetic energy
    • The ability of a body to transfer thermal energy

Heat vs. Temperature

Heat is thermal energy

  • Travels from hotter to colder objects
  • Can do work
  • Often expressed in Joules (J)
    • J = 1 N x 1 m
    • Newton (N) = 1 kg m s-2

Temperature a (relative) measure of thermal energy.

  • Increases/decreases when heat is added/removed
  • Cannot do work

Temperature scales compared

Several scales have been invented:

  • Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin…

  • According to the SI system

    • We should use Kelvin (K)
    • or Celsius (°C)
      • For absolute temperatures only
  • Conversion:

\[ T(K) = T(\deg C) + 273.15 \qquad(1)\]

Three States of Water

States of Water (iClicker)

Which of the following are not states of water? ## States of Water (iClicker)

Which of the following are not states of water?

  • A: Ice
  • B: Liquid
  • C: Vapor (gas)
  • D: Air
  • A: Ice
  • B: Liquid
  • C: Vapor (gas)
  • D: Air

State changes of water



State changes of water



Latent Heat


Latent Heat

Latent Heat

The energy (\(kJ\: kg^{-1}\)) required for water to change states varies with temperature.

Table 1: Energy associated with phase changes of water at 0\(^{\circ}C\)
Phase change Value
2501 \(kJ kg^{-1}\)
334 \(kJ kg^{-1}\)
2835 \(kJ kg^{-1}\)
Figure 1: Latent heat of evaporation / condensation at different temperatures

Latent heat of vaporization

Conversion from latent to sensible heat in a storm cloud is equivalent to the energy released from a small nuclear bomb.

  • Based on the amount of latent heat picked up at the surface through evaporation
    • Released as water vapor condenses back into liquid water or freezes into ice.

Why spray liquid water on a tree?

Its seems counter-intuitive, but fine mist irrigation by sprinklers is used to reduce frost damage.

Why spray liquid water on a tree?

Latent heat of fusion:

  • Sprayed liquid water releases latent heat of fusion as it becomes ice
    • Prevents a damaging drop in temperature of almonds

Energy transfer in the atmosphere


There are free and forced types of convection.

  • Forced convection would be air movement caused by a fan or the wind.

Free convection of heat from hot ground

Fluxes and flux densities


  • Aka. Energy
    • J (Joules)


Heat Flux

  • Flow rate of energy
    • Aka. Power
    • W = J s-1

Heat Flux Density

  • Net transfer of energy
    • Flow rate of energy per unit area
    • W m-2 = J s-1 m-2

Heat Flux (iClicker)

Heat always travels from:

  • A: Hotter to colder
  • B: Colder to hotter
  • C: Either A or B

Fluxes and flux densities

Generally speaking: flux densities can be positive or negative.

  • Sum of positive and negative fluxes
  • The sign will depend on your reference point.
    • Heat will always go from hotter to colder object
    • But many fluxes are bi-directional.

Net Radiation

  • Incoming radiation (sunlight)
  • Minus reflected & emitted radiation

Net Ecosystem Exchange (of CO2)

  • Carbon uptake (photosynthesis)
  • Minus carbon emission (respiration)

Conservation of energy and mass

One of the most powerful laws used in analyzing organism-environment interaction is this Law of Conservation.

  • Neither mass nor energy can be created or destroyed by any ordinary means.
  • The application is similar to reconciling your checking account i.e. you can construct a budget or balance to account for all inflows and outflows of heat and mass.

Conservation of energy and mass

Energy is continually being converted from one form to another

  • None is lost.

A typhoon transports energy away from the equator

Energy conservation

Energy balance of a vegetated surface


  • Difference between heat and temperature
    • Heat does work - temperature does not
  • What is latent heat?
    • Energy associated with phase change (of water)
  • Flux vs. flux density
    • Flux density is energy transport per unit area per unit time (W m-2)


  • Energy and mass transfer mechanisms
    • Radiation, conduction, and convection
  • Understand the concept of energy and mass balances and their connectivity
    • Neither mass nor energy can be created or destroyed by any ordinary means, just converted from one form to another.