
Lecture topics and quiz dates are listed in Table 1 below, and the relevant lecture slides can be found in the sidebar on the left. Lectures are held in person Wednesday & Friday, 9:30 - 11:00 in Friedman Building, Room 153. If you are unable to attend in-person, remote attendance is available on on zoom and recordings will be posted here afterwards.


Lectures will have a embedded questions that can be answered using iClicker

  • Lecture participation points are only available during the lecture.


Quizzes will held on the dates listed in the schedule below. Note dates are subject to change & will be announced in class the week before.

Lecture Schedule

Table 1: Tentative schedule for lectures and lecture quizzes the term. Specific dates are may be changed. Slides will be visible in advance of lecture dates for those who might like to look ahead. However, materials are subject to change until the date of the lecture.
Week Wednesday Friday
Sep 06 - Sep 08 Introduction Energy
Sep 13 - Sep 15 Radiation Laws Shortwave Radiation
Sep 20 - Sep 22 Surface geometry and albedo Surface geometry and albedo cont.
Sep 27 - Sep 29 Radiation transfer in plant canopies Long-wave radiation
Lecture Quiz 1
Oct 04 - Oct 06 Long-wave radiation cont. Radiation budget of Planet Earth
Oct 11 - Oct 13 Net radiation of land surfaces. Heat and temperature
Oct 18 - Oct 20
Lecture Quiz 2
Oct 25 - Oct 27 Heat conduction & Thermal admittance Heat conduction & Thermal admittance cont.
Nov 01 - Nov 03 Atmospheric Humidity Profile of the atmosphere, lapse rates, and stability
Nov 08 - Nov 10 Stability Cont.
Lecture Quiz 3
Orographic Lift
Nov 15 - Nov 17 Turbulence and Convection
Nov 22 - Nov 24 Eddy Covariance Measurements
Lecture Quiz 4
Clouds and precipitation
Nov 29 - Dec 01 Winds and global circulation Weather Systems + Forecasting
Dec 06 - Dec 08 Exam Review
Lecture Quiz 5
Office Hours Drop-In