Points Distribution | Percent of Final Grade |
iClicker Questions | 10% |
Lecture Review Quizzes | 20% |
Lab Assignments | 35% |
Final Exam | 35% |
Wrapping up the term
All marks to date have been posted. Lab 5, Quiz 5, and the final are pending. Today’s iClicker participation are bonus points.
Points Distribution | Percent of Final Grade |
iClicker Questions | 10% |
Lecture Review Quizzes | 20% |
Lab Assignments | 35% |
Final Exam | 35% |
You can adapt this example for yourself:
# Labs
Lab_Score = c(13,14,14,12,13)
Lab_Points = c(15,15,15,14.5,15)
Lab_Weighted = sum(Lab_Score)/sum(Lab_Points)*.35
# Quizzes
Quiz_Score = c(6,8,0,9,10)
Quiz_Points = c(10,10,10,10,10)
# Drop the lowest
Quiz_Score = sum(Quiz_Score)-min(Quiz_Score)
Quiz_Points = sum(Quiz_Points)-min(Quiz_Points)
Quiz_Weighted = sum(Quiz_Score)/sum(Quiz_Points)*.2
# Participation
Participation_Score = 70
Participation_Points = 100
Participation_Weighted = Participation_Score/Participation_Points*.1
# What do you need to get on the final?
Desired_Mark = 80 #(A-)
Current_Total = sum(c(Lab_Weighted,Quiz_Weighted,Participation_Weighted))*100
Final_Score = (Desired_Mark-Current_Total)/0.35
sprintf("To get a Final Mark of %0.1f%%, you need approximately %0.1f%% on the final",Desired_Mark,Final_Score)
[1] "To get a Final Mark of 80.0%, you need approximately 72.8% on the final"
# Calculate your mark from assumed final grade
Final_Score = 70
Final_Points = 100
Final_Weighted = Final_Score/Final_Points*.35
# Total
Total_Mark = sum(c(Lab_Weighted,Quiz_Weighted,Participation_Weighted,Final_Weighted))*100
sprintf("Your Final Mark will be approximately %0.1f%%, if you get %0.1f%% on the final",Total_Mark,Final_Score)
[1] "Your Final Mark will be approximately 79.0%, if you get 70.0% on the final"
Questions will be randomly assigned such that each exam is unique.
A. True
B. False
The exam is open book, this means that you can reference course materials and/or external resources while working on it.
A. True
B. False
How did you attend lecture over the term?
A. Mostly in-person
B. Mostly over zoom
C. A mix of both
D. I usually didn’t attend lecture
Have you filled out an evaluation yet?