Surface Geometry and Albedo

How incoming radiation interacts with surfaces

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how is solar radiation distributed globally.
  • Understand what happens when solar radiation reaches the ground or objects.
  • Describe the process of reflection
    • Reflectivity and surface albedo
  • Examples of controls on surface albedo.

Measuring reflectance with a pyranometer

Surface geometry and albedo

The reflectivity of water greatly changes depending on the sun’s positing

Temporal and spatial variation

Each of these factors effects incoming short-wave radiation:

  • The Earth is a sphere (latitude)
  • The Earth is tilted on its axis (seasons)
  • The Earth rotates (time of day)
  • The Earth has an atmosphere (absorption & scattering)
  • The Earth’s surface is not flat

Defining the Solar Zenith

The local solar zenith (\(\theta\)) is the inverse of the local sun angle (\(\theta = 90 - sun\:angle\)). It varies globally as a function of season (solar declination) and locally as a function of latitude and time of day.

  • At solar noon: the \(\theta\) reaches its daily minimum

\[ \theta = Latitude - Solar\:Declination \qquad(1)\]

  • At sunrise/sunset the \(\theta = 90 ^{\circ}\)
  • At other times of day it will fall between these values
  • You can use this solar calculator time/date & location


The effect of latitude is most obvious at the equinoxes, when Sun is overhead at the Equator.

Irradiance (at top of atmosphere) follows the Cosine law law of illumination:

\[ R_s = R_p cos(\theta) \qquad(2)\]

Table 1: Decrease of Rs with solar declination.
θ Rs
1.00 I0
23.5° 0.92 I0 8 % less
50° 0.64 I0 36 % less
80° 0.17 I0 83 % less


Effect of seasons - Earth’s tilt and orbit

Season: Average daily input

  • The tropics have high input (on average)
    • Less seasonal variation
  • Higher latitudes have high input (on average)
    • Highest summer values

Time of Day

The local solar zenith (\(\theta\)) varies through the day as the earth rotates.

Diurnal Variation

With no clouds this gives a simple daily symmetry, like a sine curve.

Burns Bog Station, Delta, BC
Figure 1: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station June 29th, 2021.

Irradiance at Burns Bog (iClicker)

Which of these answers explains (in part) why observed incoming short-wave radiation at the Burns Bog station on June 29th, 2021 shown on the previous slide was less than the solar constant (\(I_0\))?

  • A Reflection of solar radiation by clouds
  • B Spreading of the solar beam (cosine law of illumination)
  • C Both A & B


Radiation Balance: radiation (of wavelength \(\lambda\)) can interact with an object in three ways:

  • Absorption \(a_{\lambda}\)
  • Transmission \(\tau_{\lambda}\)
  • Reflection \(\alpha_{\lambda}\)
    • For short-wave radiation, we use the term Albedo

\[ a_\lambda + \tau_\lambda + \alpha_\lambda = 1 \qquad(3)\]

Key Terms

Irradiance: flux density of incoming shortwave radiation on receiving horizontal surface (W m-2)

Reflectance: flux density of reflected shortwave radiation the surface (W m-2)

Albedo: proportion of irradiance that is reflected (unitless)

Measuring Albedo (iClicker)

Which instrument in this photo (A or B) would you use to measure reflectance?

Observations from Burns Bog

Figure 2: Irradiance and Reflectance at Burns Bog June 29th, 2021.
Figure 3: Irradiance and Reflectance at Burns Bog December 31st, 2021.

Spectral Reflectivity \(\alpha_{\lambda}\)

Leaves, soils, and rocks all have distinctive features.

  • For opaque objects (e.g., rocks and soils) the spectral absorptivity is:

\[ a_{\lambda} = 1 - \alpha_{\lambda} \qquad(4)\]

  • For transparent objects (e.g., leaves and water) the spectral absorptivity is:

\[ a_{\lambda} = 1 - \alpha_{\lambda} - \tau_{\lambda} \qquad(5)\]

Spectral Reflectivity \(\alpha_{\lambda}\) of Soil

Reflectivity of soil will vary by \(\lambda\) and depend upon its specific composition

  • Sand, silt, vs. clay
  • Organic content
  • Water content

Spectral Reflectivity \(\alpha_{\lambda}\) a Leaf

Spectral Reflectivity \(\alpha_{\lambda}\) a Leaf

In the PAR region, \(\alpha_{\lambda}\) and \(\tau_{\lambda}\) are small making \(a_{\lambda}\) large.

  • In the NIR region, the opposite is the case
    • The leaf gets rid of radiation that might cause it to get too warm
  • The small peaks in \(a_{\lambda}\) and \(\tau_{\lambda}\) at 0.55 \(\mu m\) account for the green color

In the fall leaves change color – WHY?

Test your knowledge (iClicker)

Which leaf has the highest spectral reflectivity at λ = 0.55 \(\mu m\)?




Spectral reflectivity of leaves


The albedo (\(\alpha_{SW}\)) is calculated as the fraction of incident solar radiation reflected by a surface. Albedo is affected by:

  • Angle of incidence
  • Plant species
  • Leaf development
  • Surface wetness
  • Surface roughness

Albedo of natural surfaces

  • Lowest \(\alpha_{SW}\) (best absorbers)
    • Open water, organic soils, coniferous forest
      • \(\alpha_{SW} \approx\) 0.03 to 0.15
  • Intermediate \(\alpha_{SW}\)
    • Deciduous forest
      • \(\alpha_{SW} \approx\) 0.15 to 0.2
    • Agricultural crops
      • \(\alpha_{SW} \approx\) 0.2 to 0.25
  • Highest \(\alpha_{SW}\) (poor absorption)
    • Snow, ice, dry light soils, desert sand
      • \(\alpha_{SW} \approx\) 0.35 to 0.95

Test your knowledge (iClicker)

Which system (A or B) has the higher albedo?

Albedo of snow-covered surfaces

Even snow-covered boreal forests have relatively low albedo due to their sides being bare.

Albedo of crops and forests

T.R. Oke (1987): ‘Boundary Layer Climates’ 2nd Edition.

Increased “trapping” of light with increased height. Individual leaves generally have higher reflectivity than a canopy of the same leaves

Take home points

  • How does Earth’s geometry, rotation and planetary motion affect the distribution of short-wave irradiance in time and space?
  • The reflectivity of soils and vegetation depends greatly on the wavelength of the radiation - giving objects distinct colors and spectral ‘signatures’ useful for remote sensing.
  • Albedo = Outgoing reflectance / Incoming irradiance. Key control in the climate system.