Describe how is solar radiation distributed globally.
Understand what happens when solar radiation reaches the ground or objects.
Describe the process of reflection
Reflectivity and surface albedo
Examples of controls on surface albedo.
Measuring reflectance with a pyranometer
Surface geometry and albedo
The reflectivity of water greatly changes depending on the sun’s positing
Temporal and spatial variation
Each of these factors effects incoming short-wave radiation:
The Earth is a sphere (latitude)
The Earth is tilted on its axis (seasons)
The Earth rotates (time of day)
The Earth has an atmosphere (absorption & scattering)
The Earth’s surface is not flat
Defining the Solar Zenith
The local solar zenith (\(\theta\)) is the inverse of the local sun angle (\(\theta = 90 - sun\:angle\)). It varies globally as a function of season (solar declination) and locally as a function of latitude and time of day.
At solar noon: the \(\theta\) reaches its daily minimum
\theta = Latitude - Solar\:Declination
At sunrise/sunset the \(\theta = 90 ^{\circ}\)
At other times of day it will fall between these values
The effect of latitude is most obvious at the equinoxes, when Sun is overhead at the Equator.
Irradiance (at top of atmosphere) follows the Cosine law law of illumination:
R_s = R_p cos(\theta)
Table 1: Decrease of Rs with solar declination.
1.00 I0
0.92 I0
8 % less
0.64 I0
36 % less
0.17 I0
83 % less
Effect of seasons - Earth’s tilt and orbit
Season: Average daily input
The tropics have high input (on average)
Less seasonal variation
Higher latitudes have high input (on average)
Highest summer values
Time of Day
The local solar zenith (\(\theta\)) varies through the day as the earth rotates.
Diurnal Variation
With no clouds this gives a simple daily symmetry, like a sine curve.
Burns Bog Station, Delta, BC
Figure 1: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station June 29th, 2021.
Irradiance at Burns Bog (iClicker)
Which of these answers explains (in part) why observed incoming short-wave radiation at the Burns Bog station on June 29th, 2021 shown on the previous slide was less than the solar constant (\(I_0\))?
A Reflection of solar radiation by clouds
B Spreading of the solar beam (cosine law of illumination)
C Both A & B
Radiation Balance: radiation (of wavelength \(\lambda\)) can interact with an object in three ways:
Increased “trapping” of light with increased height. Individual leaves generally have higher reflectivity than a canopy of the same leaves
Take home points
How does Earth’s geometry, rotation and planetary motion affect the distribution of short-wave irradiance in time and space?
The reflectivity of soils and vegetation depends greatly on the wavelength of the radiation - giving objects distinct colors and spectral ‘signatures’ useful for remote sensing.
Albedo = Outgoing reflectance / Incoming irradiance. Key control in the climate system.