Net radiation of land surfaces

Looking at site scale radiation budgets

Measuring net all-wave radiation over totem field

Learning objectives

  • Define to components that make up net all-wave radiation at the land-surface
  • Describe how net all-wave radiation (\(R_n\)) is controlled by the weather conditions
  • Explain how \(R_n\) is controlled by canopy structure and surface properties

Net all-wave radiation (\(R_n\))

\(R_n\) represents the amount of available energy at Earth’s surface after all the radiation exchanges have taken place.

  • Negative: the surface is loosing energy to the the atmosphere/space
  • Positive: the surface is gaining energy from the the atmosphere/space

\[ R_n = (SW \downarrow - SW \uparrow) + (LW \downarrow - LW \uparrow) \qquad(1)\]

Net all-wave radiation (\(R_n\))

\(R_n\) is the flux density of ALL radiation. ie. the sum of component flux densities: Net short-wave radiation (\(SW^*\)) and net long-wave radiation (\(LW^*\)):

\[ R_n = SW^* + LW^* \qquad(2)\]

A net radiometer

Component Fluxes

Recall that \(SW\) is not emitted by Earth’s surface, but \(LW\) is!

Absorbed : available energy for other processes

The Surface Energy Balance

We can define \(R_n\) from the perspective of the Earth’s surface in term’s of it’s energy balance. How much energy is absorbed vs. how much is emitted?

\[ SW^* = SW \downarrow (1 - \alpha) \qquad(3)\] \[ LW^* = \epsilon LW \downarrow - \epsilon \sigma_b T_s^4 \qquad(4)\] \[ R_n = SW \downarrow (1 - \alpha) + \epsilon LW \downarrow - \epsilon \sigma_b T_s^4 \qquad(5)\]

\(R_n\) is the main energy source driving near-surface climates. It can be positive (usually day) or negative (usually night).

Test your knowledge (iClicker)

\(R_n\) is the energy available for other processes such as (select any valid answer):

  • Photosynthesis
  • Evaporation
  • Convection

Connectivity of energy and mass

The radiation budget impacts all other “budgets” in Earth’s climate system.

  • Water & carbon balances are directly influenced by the flux of energy into our out of the surface.

Diurnal Variation

In the following slides, we’ll look at examples of \(R_n\) and its four component fluxes over the single day periods that show the contrasting effects of weather conditions on \(R_n\).

  1. Clear skies during summer
  2. Rainy conditions during fall
  3. Snow-covered ground in winter
  4. Snowmelt

Hot & Sunny

Figure 1: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station.

Total for the day:

\(SW^* =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(LW^* =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(R_n =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

Cloudy & Rainy

Figure 2: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station.

Total for the day:

\(SW^* =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(LW^* =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(R_n =\) 0 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

Cold and Snowy

Figure 3: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station.

Total for the day:

\(SW^* =\) 0.5 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(LW^* =\) -0.6 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(R_n =\) -0.2 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

During Snowmelt

Figure 4: Radiation data from the Burns Bog Flux Station.

Total for the day:

\(SW^* =\) 0.8 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(LW^* =\) 0.4 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

\(R_n =\) 1.2 \(MJ m^{-2}\)

Units (iClicker)

The measured radiation data are presented in W m-2, so why are daily totals presented in MJ m-2?

  • W = J s-1
  • W = MJ d-1
  • W = MJ h-1

A Full Year?

Figure 5: Total radiative fluxes at the Burns Bog Flux Station, 2022.

Total flues over one year:

\(SW^* =\) 3.16 \(GJ m^{-2}\)

\(LW^* =\) -1.08 \(GJ m^{-2}\)

\(R_n =\) 2.07 \(GJ m^{-2}\)

Does it vary between years?

Figure 6: Total radiative fluxes at the Burns Bog Flux Station by year.

Summary of our interpretation

  • Strong correlation between \(R_n\) and \(SW\downarrow\)
    • Daily \(R_n\) variation is mainly driven by the solar cycle
    • Daytime \(SW^*\) is only partly offset by \(LW^*\)
    • At night \(LW^*\) is unopposed
  • Cloud cover increases \(LW^*\), snow cover reduces \(SW^*\)
  • \(LW^*\) is more negative when ground is warmer than the air
    • \(LW^*\) can be positive if the air is warmer than the ground

Effect of Landcover

Mature Forest


Landcover Effects

  • Measurements show that \(R_n\) in a clearcut is \(\approx\) 24% less than in uncut forest.
    • Why? \(SW \downarrow\) and \(LW \downarrow\) didn’t change drastically, but \(SW \uparrow\) and \(LW \uparrow\) did.
Figure 7: Radiation balance of a forest and a clearcut.

Diurnal Course

  • \(SW \uparrow\) higher in the clearcut
    • Larger albedo
  • \(LW \uparrow\) higher in the clearcut
    • Higher T
Figure 8: Diurnal course of outgoing radiation for a forest and clearcut

Daily Totals

Figure 9: The clear-cut receives less radiative energy than the forest.


If the forest has higher \(R_n\) than the clearcut, where is that extra energy going? (Note there are two correct answers, you only need to select one)

  • A. Photosynthesis
  • B. Albedo
  • C. Longwave emissions
  • D. Evapotranspiration
  • E. Heating the soil

Nighttime Cooling

Nighttime surface cooling is only controlled by \(LW\):

\(SW \downarrow = 0\)

\(R_n = \epsilon LW \downarrow - \epsilon \sigma_b T_s^4\)

  • The \(LW^*\) is usually negative
    • Cloud has a large effect on \(LW \downarrow\)
    • Cloudless nights have lowest \(LW \downarrow\)
      • Most negative \(LW^*\)

Frost when surface cools below the dewpoint & freezing point

View factor

  • The fraction of radiation leaving an object that is intercepted by other objects
    • An object’s hemispherical view occupied by other objects
  • The sky view factor, \(\psi_{sky}\) effects \(LW^*\) at night
    • Because the sky is usually ‘cold’ and an effective heat sink

An Open Field \(\psi_{sky}\) = 0.9

Conifer Forest \(\psi_{sky}\) = 0.6

Deciduous Forest \(\psi_{sky}\) = 0.2

Urban courtyard \(\psi_{sky}\) = 0.2

Why is this important?

\(\psi_{sky}\) is a “weighting factor” expressing the relative importance of sky in the long-wave balance of an object (e.g., a seedling).

\[ LW^* = \psi_{sky}\epsilon LW \downarrow - (1-\psi_{sky})\epsilon \sigma_b T_s^4 \qquad(6)\]

  • The higher \(\psi_{sky}\) the lower the \(LW^*\) of the seedling
    • Sky usually more than 30K colder than the ground

Why is this important?

This study recommended strip clearcuts <2h (h = stand height) because \(T_{min}\) decreases with distance from stand edge.

  • Frosts can kill lodgepole pine seedlings during their germination period.
  • Size of clearcut affects minimum temperatures near the soil surface

Sky view with distance from forest edge

Take home points

  • Distinguish between net shortwave (\(SW^*\)), net longwave (\(LW^*\)) and net all-wave radiation (\(R_n\))
  • The magnitude of \(R_n\) is controlled by surface properties:
    • Albedo, surface temperature, emissivity
  • The magnitude of \(R_n\) is also controlled by the surrounding 3D surface
    • Sky view influences \(LW^\) at night
  • Surface properties can be modified to control surface climates