Radiation transfer in plant canopies

How does light interact with plants?

Radiation transfer in plant canopies

Transmission of solar radiation in a foggy West Coast Forest

Lecture Review Quiz (iClicker)

We have a lecture review quiz this Friday (September 29th).

A - True

B - False

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how is short-wave radiation is distributed within a plant canopy.
  • Explain how different wavelengths behave differently within the canopy.
  • Understand how radiation distribution affect photosynthesis in a plant canopy.

Beer’s Law

Beer’s Law describes the attenuation (reduction in flux density) of a beam of radiation through a homogeneous medium.

\[ R_x = R_0 e^{-k\mu} \qquad(1)\]

  • \(\mu\) is the attenuation coefficient
    • Combination of absorptance and reflectance
    • Will vary with \(\lambda\)
Figure 1: Beam attenuation as a function of distance

Beer’s Law

Strictly speaking - the law only applies to homogenous media.

  • Attenuation will vary with because composition & density vary

Plant canopies are not homogenous

Beer’s Law

Strictly speaking - the law only applies to homogenous media.

  • However, it measurements show it roughly applies in uniform canopies
    • e.g., grass
  • We can develop empirical (observation based) relationships for different plant canopies

Vertical distribution of folliage

Modifying Beer’s Law to apply to

  • The main modification to overcome the non-uniformity of leaves is to replace distance (x) with the cumulative leaf area index (LAI).
  • What is LAI?
    • The leaf area index is the one-sided leaf (and stem) area per unit ground area.

Leaf Area Index

Leaf Area Index

A single spruce branch

The same branch broken into its respective components

Modifying Beer’s Law

Cumulative LAI (L) = sum of LAI

  • Integration of LAI through canopy starting at top of canopy

Orientation of canopy leaf area

Pickleweed evolved to minimize LAI to help survive hostile conditions on exposed rocky coasts

Squash evolved to maximize LAI to help maximize energy capture and produce large fruits with many seeds

Leaf Orientation

The canopy attenuation coefficient is related to the orientation of the leaves in relation to the sun angle:

  • Erectophile vs. planophile

Spatial Heterogeneity

Consider the similarity/dissimilarity across space.

  • A homogenous canopy will have a more even distribution across
    • The attenuation coefficient will be less variable
  • A heterogeneous canopy will have a less even distribution across
    • The attenuation coefficient will be more variable

Spatial Heterogeneity

Homogenous, dense, evenly spaced corn limits canopy transmittance

Heterogenous, clumpy vegetation in Burns Bog allows more light to reach the surface

Modifying Beer’s Law

We rewrite Beer’s Law for solar radiation under a canopy as:

\[ R_u = R_0 e^{\frac{-GL\Omega}{cos\theta}} \qquad(2)\]

  • \(R_0\) is irradiance above the canopy
  • \(R_u\) is irradiance under the canopy
  • \(L\) is the cumulative LAI
  • \(G\) is the plant canopy attenuation coefficient
  • \(\Omega\) is a clumping scale factor
  • \(cos\theta\) accounts for the zenith angle

Canopy Transmission

Transmitted radiation will be a proportion of total incoming radiation.

\[ \tau_{\lambda} = \frac{R_{u\lambda}}{R_{0\lambda}} \qquad(3)\]

Canopy Transmission (iClicker)

Can you have a negative value for transmitted radiation?

A - Yes

B - No

Radiation beneath plant canopies

  • Diffuse (d) radiation penetrates the canopy more effectively than direct (s) radiation
    • Ratio \(\frac{SW_d\downarrow}{SW_s\downarrow}\) increases with depth into canopy.
    • Scattering of direct radiation helps increase proportion of diffuse PAR in the canopy.
  • \(\frac{NIR\downarrow}{PAR\downarrow}\) increases with depth into canopy.
    • The high PAR absorptivity of leaves in the upper canopy results in depleted PAR in the lower canopy.

Changes with seasons

Changes with seasons

Radiation above & below boreal aspen canopy

Changes with seasons (iClicker)

Which bar on the graph (A or B) would represent the proportion of radiation reaching the floor of a deciduous forest in late winter?

Figure 2: Proportion of radiation reaching the forest floor

Radiation and understory

Dense hemlock stand little or no understory

Open alder forest with lush understory


  • Sunflecks move with position of sun
    • Rapid change from sunlit to shadowed

Temporally Variability

Canopy Position & Photosynthesis

Figure 3: Rates of CO2 uptake (photosynthesis) at different light levels for different species in a forest

Take home points

  • Radiative transfer through plant canopies can be approximated using Beer’s Law using the cumulative Leaf Area Index (L) instead of the distance, plus path length and a clumping factor.
  • Radiation within plant canopies is not uniformly distributed in space, time (‘sunflecks’) and with regard to spectral characteristics.
  • We can use radiative transfer theory to infer the LAI of a stand if we measure short-wave radiation transmission.