Radiation Budget of Planet Earth

The balance of radiative inputs and outputs

Photo from Galileo of the Earth-Moon system in 1992 (NASA)

Photo taken from Apollo 8 astronauts as they orbited the Moon. (Photo: NASA)

Learning Objectives

  • Because radiation is the only transfer mechanism between our planet and the Sun / Space we can calculate the theoretical radiation budget of Planet Earth.
  • Know how to estimate the expected ‘temperature’ of our planet based on our calculation.
  • Understand how the presence of the atmosphere affects the temperature on our planet.

Review ‘Short-wave’ vs. ‘Long-wave’

Short-wave: \(\lambda <=3 \mu m\)

  • At 5800 K: \(\lambda\) max is 0.50 \(\mu m\)

Long-wave: \(\lambda >3 \mu m\)

  • At 288 K: \(\lambda\) max is 10.35 \(\mu m\)

What is the solar constant \(I_0\)? (iClicker)

  • A The average flux density leaving Sun’s surface
  • B The average flux density reaching the Earth’s surface
  • C The average flux density reaching the Earth’s orbit perpendicular to the beam
  • D The average flux density reaching the Earth’s orbit averaged over the sphere of the planet

Partitioning the Solar Constant

\(I_0 \approx\) 1361 W m-2.


Earth absorbs incoming \(SW\) from the Sun

Earth emits \(LW\) to Space

  • These two fluxes can be considered in equilibrium. Why?
    • \(F_{in}\) = Short-wave
    • \(F_{out}\) = Long-wave

Planetary Albedo

Not all \(SW\) that reaches a planet from sun is absorbed, a fraction is reflected back to Space.

  • Planetary albedo \(\alpha\): the % of \(SW\) reflected back to Space
    • \(\alpha\) is mainly controlled by:
      • Cloud type/cove
      • Extent of ice and snow
    • Earth’s \(\alpha\) = 31%

Planetary Absorption

Transmission through Earth is impossible; \(a = 1 - \alpha\)

  • Earth’s Albedo: \(\alpha \approx 31\%\)
    • Atmosphere: 22%
      • Clouds, droplets, aerosols
    • Surface: 9%
  • \(a = 100\% - 31\% = 69\%\)
    • Atmosphere: 20%
    • Surface: 49%

Planetary Absorption

Recall the solar constant \(I_0\): the radiant flux density at the top of the atmosphere perpendicular to the solar beam.

  • \(SW\) Flux into the Earth (\(F_{in}\)) in W is:

\[ F_{in} = A^*(1-\alpha)I_0 \qquad(1)\]

  • \(I_0\) (W m-2) projected over Earth’s silhouette area (\(A^* = \pi r^{2}\)) in m2
    • Adjusted for \(\alpha\)

Planetary Emission

Planetary \(LW\) emission (\(F_{out}\)) in W can be approximated as a function of temperature using Stefan-Boltzmann.

\[ F_{out} = AI_{out} = 4\pi R^{2}\epsilon\sigma_b T^4 \qquad(2)\]

  • Average flux density (\(I_{out}\)) in W m-2 times Earth’s surface area
    • \(\epsilon_{surface} \approx 0.95\)
    • \(T \approx 288 K\)

Surface Emissivity

Simplified Energy Balance:

Let us assume an equilibrium state, i.e. \(F_{in} = F_{out}\)

\[ \pi R^{2} (1-\alpha)I_0 = 4\pi R^{2}\epsilon\sigma_b T^4 \qquad(3)\]

  • Outgoing \(LW\) will balance out incoming \(SW\)

Geometric Considerations

Earth receives \(SW\) only from ‘one side’; but emits \(LW\) in all directions to space.

  • \(F_{in}\) is distributed over the silhouette area \(A^*\) of Earth

  • \(F_{out}\) is from the whole surface area \(A\) of Earth

    • Note \(F_{out}\) is not constant across space

Earth’s Surface Temperature (iClicker)

The area terms (\(\pi R^2\)) in Equation 3 cancel on both sides; leaving us with

\((1-\alpha)I_0 = 4\epsilon\sigma_b T^4\)

Rearranging to solve for T:

\(T = \sqrt[4]{\frac{(1-\alpha)I_0}{4\epsilon\sigma_b}}\)

I0 <- 1361 # W m-2
alpha <- 0.31
epsilon <- 0.95
sigma <- 5.67e-8 # W m-2 K-4

T = ((1-alpha)*I0/(4*epsilon*sigma))**.25

\(T \approx\) 256.9 K

Is this value realistic?

  • A - Yes

  • B - No (underestimate)

  • C - No (overestimate)

Effect of an atmosphere

Earth’s known average surface temperature is 15 ° C.

  • The previous calculation underestimates surface temperature because we have not incorporated the atmosphere i.e. the effects of greenhouse gases.

  • Without an atmosphere it would be \(T \approx\) -16.2 ° C on Earth on average.

    • The effect of the atmosphere (natural greenhouse effect) must be worth \(\approx\) 31.2 K!

The ‘Greenhouse Effect’

The atmosphere has an insulating effect on planet earth.

  • The greenhouse gas effect limits the \(\tau_{LW}\) through the atmosphere
    • This effectively reduces Earth’s \(\epsilon_{LW}\)
    • But how? Kirchhoff’s law states that \(\epsilon_{\lambda} = a_{\lambda}\)?
  • The \(a_{LW}\) is re-emitted in all directions
    • i.e., it is recycled
    • Loss of energy from the surface slowed

The ‘Greenhouse Effect’

The atmosphere is a selective absorber (and emitter) of radiation.

  • The transmission window allows some \(LW\) through
  • Outside of that window, little \(LW\) escapes!

The Effective Emissivity

Since we know the mean surface temperature of the earth, we can instead rearrange Equation 3 to solve for \(\epsilon\):

\(\epsilon= \frac{(1-\alpha)I_0}{4\sigma_bT^4}\)

I0 <- 1361 # W m-2
alpha <- 0.31
T_s <- 15 # C
sigma <- 5.67e-8 # W m-2 K-4

T = T_s + 273.15

epsilon = (1-alpha)*I0/(4*sigma*T**4)

The atmosphere reduces the global value of \(\epsilon\) to \(\approx\) 0.601

Radiative Output

Since we now have a reasonable estimate of \(\epsilon\), we estimate planetary emissions following Equation 2.

\(F_{out} = AI_{out} = 4\pi R^{2}\epsilon\sigma_b T^4\)

I_out = epsilon*sigma*T**4

R = 6378.1 # km
R = R * 1000

F_out = 4*pi*R**2*I_out

The average flux density of \(LW\) at the top of Earth’s atmosphere \(I_{out} \approx\) 234.8 W m-2

The average flux of \(LW\) from Earth \(F_{out} \approx\) 1.2001616^{17} W

Radiative Output (iClicker)

Our estimated value of \(I_{out}\) (234.8 W m-2) \(\neq I_0\) (1361 W m-2).

What accounts for the discrepancy?

A - \(I_0\) is distributed across Earth’s silhouette area \(A^*\); we need distribute \(I_0\) across Earth’s total surface area \(A\)

B - A portion of \(I_0\) is never absorbed by the Earth due to the planetary Albedo (\(\alpha \approx 0.31\))

C - Both A & B

Radiative Output

If we account for both, we’ll get the average flux density at the top of Earth’s Atmosphere across the Full electromagnetic spectrum.

  • \(\bar{I_0} = \frac{I_0}{4}\) = 340.25 W m-2

  • \(\bar{I_0}= \bar{I_0} \alpha + I_{out}\) = 105.4775 W m-2 + 234.7725 W m-2

Important greenhouse gases

Table 1: Includes other trace gases (halocarbons, not shown)
Compound Abundance pre industrial Abundance 2011 Lifetime yr Effect of human enhancement
H2O Variable Variable 0.03
CO2 ~280 ppm 393 ppm 5 - 200 1.85 W m-2
CH4 ~700 1874 ppb 12 0.51 W m-2
N2O ~270 324 ppb 114 0.18 W m-2
Ozone O3 25 ppm 34 ppm days 0.35 W m-2
Misc. Trace Gasses 0.34 W m-2 *
All 3.23 W m-2

Test your knowledge (iClicker)

What is the most important greenhouse gas contributing to the natural greenhouse effect on our planet?

  • A Ozone
  • B Carbon dioxide
  • C Methane
  • D Oxygen
  • E Water vapour

Test your knowledge

What is the most important greenhouse gas contributing to the natural greenhouse effect on our planet?

A more Realistic Energy Balance

Magnitudes from Kiehl and Trenberth (1997, Bull. Am. Met. Soc.) in IPCC 2001.

There is no net gain or loss for Earth

\(SW\) input (100%) = \(SW\) loss (31%) + \(LW\) (69%):

  • \(I_{0} = \bar{I_0} \alpha + I_{out}\)

Magnitudes from Kiehl and Trenberth (1997, Bull. Am. Met. Soc.) in IPCC 2001.

Energy Balance of the Atmosphere

  • The Atmosphere appears to be in radiative deficit
    • Should be cooling
  • The surface in radiative surplus
    • Should be warming
  • Why is this not happening?

Magnitudes from Kiehl and Trenberth (1997, Bull. Am. Met. Soc.) in IPCC 2001.

Energy Balance of the Atmosphere

  • Earth’s surplus is convected by sensible and latent heat flux into the Atmosphere
    • Offsets the radiative imbalance,
    • i.e. the whole energy balance is involved not just radiation

Magnitudes from Kiehl and Trenberth (1997, Bull. Am. Met. Soc.) in IPCC 2001.

Latent Heat Flux (iClicker)

How is a latent heat flux into the Atmosphere realized?

  • A - Water is vaporized by radiation at the surface and condenses in clouds - there it warms up air.
  • B - Radiation absorption at surface warms up air near surface - warm air rises and transports extra heat to higher layers of atmosphere.
  • C - Rain releases its geopotential energy as raindrops splash at the surface - they warm up the surface more than the atmosphere.

Take home points

  • The planet is using (absorbing) only 69% of the solar radiation received. The planetary albedo is 31%.
  • Without atmosphere it would be -16.5579764$° C on Earth on average. The natural greenhouse effect is worth -31.2 K.
  • The atmosphere is in a radiative deficit and the Planet’s surface shows a radiative surplus. Sensible and latent heat fluxes offset the radiative imbalance, i.e. transport energy from the surface into the atmosphere.