Turbulence and Convection

Mixing of the atmosphere

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what ‘turbulence’ is.
  • Describe what causes a flow to be turbulent.
  • Explain how can we quantify the degree of turbulence.
  • Understand how this small scale randomness can impact larger scale processes.
  • Explain how we can describe / model convective transport. 

Class Conduct

Talking during class can disrupt the learning experience of your classmates.

  • It is okay to quietly ask your neighbors questions or discuss issues relating to class content
  • It is not okay to have loud/long conversations

Class Conduct (iClicker)

Talking during class can disrupt the learning experience of your classmates.

  • True
  • False

Energy Transfer

Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow

Laminar flow: parallel streamlines

  • Mixing is inefficient, only occurs by diffusion

Turbulent flow: irregular streamlines

  • Mixing is very efficient and occurs mainly by convection


Turbulence is a feature of flows, not fluids.

  • Turbulent flows are very efficient in equalizing temperature and concentration gradients:

    • In the Atmosphere, turbulent flows are 105 times more efficient than molecular diffusion


Coherent parts within the flow which have the same properties.

  • Eddies exist in a wide range of different sizes

    • “Big whorls have little whorls which feed on their velocity, and little whorls have lesser whorls, and so on to viscosity.”
      • Richardson, 1922


Coherent parts within the flow which have the same properties.

  • Eddies exist in a wide range of different sizes

  • The smallest eddies dissipate to heat

Forced (Mechanical) Convection

Wind moving past obstacles (trees, buildings, etc.) creates eddies mechanically by disturbing flow.

  • Eddy size related to the size of the obstacle and flow velocity

Forced (Mechanical) Convection

Air moving at different speeds, or in different directions, creates shear stress.

  • Causes turbulence and eddies
  • Explains the turbulence you feel in an airplane

Photo (c) Bring Wong

Forced (Mechanical) Convection

Wind moving over a natural surface experiences skin friction as it drags along

  • Greater over rough surfaces

Forced (Mechanical) Convection

Requires a continual supply of kinetic energy from the flow. It comes from the mean wind speed.

  • Wind is driven by pressure/temperature gradients at larger scales (we’ll discuss this later)

Forced (Mechanical) Convection

We can have three different scenarios that create turbulence mechanically

Free (Thermal) Convection

Surface heating differences → density differences → buoyancy differences → convection.

Free (Thermal) Convection

Buoyant parcels are often semi-organized into ‘plumes’; rising thermals form convection cells.

T.R. Oke (1987)

Free (Thermal) Convection

Intense Convection > Thunderstorm

Turbulence (iClicker)

Which of the following characteristics is not applicable to a turbulent flow? 

  • A Mixing is very efficient
  • B Flow is highly irregular with 3D curved streamlines
  • C Exchange only occurs by molecular diffusion
  • D A range of eddies of different scale exist
  • E Produced by mechanical and/or thermal processes

Eddy Size and Source of Convection

  • Day: wide range of eddy sizes

    • Free convection (heating)
    • Forced convection (wind)
  • Night: Eddies are small

    • Forced (wind)

Traces of vertical wind near the same surface with same wind speed with and without surface heating.

Turbulence & Air Temperatures

  • Nearest the ground with both small and large eddies
  • At greater heights only the buoyant plumes remain (large eddies).
    • The intermittent convection ‘plumes’ can be traced as they move upward

Reynolds Decomposition

Turbulent properties appear chaotic, but can be analyzed by deconstructing them into two parts:

  • The time mean (e.g., \(\bar{a}\))
  • The instantaneous deviation from the mean (e.g., \(a^{\prime}\))

This is called Reynolds’ decomposition

\[ a = \bar{a} + a^{\prime} \qquad(1)\]

Convective transport 

Eddies in a turbulent flow fulfill the same role as molecules do in molecular diffusion.

  • Convection transports heat, mass and momentum as the eddies ‘jump’ up and down.

Flux Gradient Method

For sensible heat flux we can write: 

\[ H_s = -K C_a \frac{T_2 - T_1}{z_2 - z_1} \qquad(2)\]

  • \(K\) is the eddy diffusivity (m2 s-1) and \(C_a\) is the heat capacity of dry air

  • Note the similarity to Fouriers Law!

Eddy Diffusivity

\(K\) varies as a function of the intensity of the turbulence and therefore varies

  • Wind speed > \(K\) will increase as a function of wind speed
  • Stability > \(K\) is greater for unstable conditions
  • Surface roughness
    • All else equal \(K\) will be higher for a rougher surface
      • \(K_{forest} > K_{water}\)

Flux Gradient Method

Similar equations can be written for the fluxes of H2O, CO2, etc.

\[ F = -K C^* \frac{f_2 - f_1}{z_2 - z_1} \qquad(3)\]

  • Here; \(F\) is the flux of some property (\(f\)), and \(C^*\) is a “unit conversion constant” 
  • Note: Equation 3 is for example only, you won’t be asked to evaluate it

Measuring Sensible Heat Flux

Test your knowledge

What is the direction of the sensible heat flux density \(H_s\)

Example Calculation 

Assume \(K\) = 0.25 m2 s-1 and \(C_a\) = 1200 J m-3 K-1, what is H?

\(H_S = -K C_a \frac{T_2 - T_1}{z_2 - z_1}\)

  • A 300 W m-2
  • B -300 W m-2
  • C 600 W m-2
  • D 150 W m-2
  • E -150 W m-2

Example Calculation 

Assume \(K\) = 0.25 m2 s-1 and \(C_a\) = 1200 J m-3 K-1, what is \(H_S\)?

\(H_S = -K C_a \frac{T_2 - T_1}{z_2 - z_1}\)

T1 = 24 #C
T2 = 22 #C
z1 = 0.1 #C
z2 = 2.1 #C
K = 0.25 #m2 s-1
C_a = 1200 #J m-3 K-1
H = -K*C_a*(T2-T1)/(z2-z1)
  • A 300 W m-2

Stable vs Unstable

In which condition do you think K is generally higher? 

  • A Stable
  • B Unstable

Effect of Surface Roughness

Assume high wind speed and little heating. Which landscape do you think has the highest \(K\) (at 20m above ground)? 

Convective Transport 

  • Transport is accomplished because each eddy has a vertical velocity (\(w\)) and a concentrations (\(c\))

    • \(w\) wets the rate and direction of transport of various atmospheric properties (\(T\), \(\rho_v\), etc.)

Convective Transport

The instantaneous flux density is the product of \(w^{\prime}\) and \(c^{\prime}\)

  • The average flux density is found by counting all the instantaneous products (w’ and c’) summing them, and averaging over the time period: 

Reynolds Notation

A flux density is the average of all the instantaneous products of the vertical speeds of the eddies and the properties they carry:

\[ F_c = \bar{w^{\prime}c^{\prime}} \qquad(4)\]

  • \(w^{\prime}\) and \(c^{\prime}\) are the instantaneous vertical wind velocity and concentration of an entity
    • The concentrations must be measured within about 30 cm of where w is measured
  • These multiplications must be made typically 20 times each second and averaged over larger time intervals (usually 30 minutes).
    • This means we must do 36,000 multiplications per 30 minutes!

Eddy Covariance Method

This is called the eddy covariance method because the expression on the right Equation 4 is called the covariance of \(w^{\prime}\) and \(c^{\prime}\)

  • For the case of sensible heat flux density we write:

\[ F_c = C_a \bar{w^{\prime}c^{\prime}} \qquad(5)\]

  • Where \(C_a\) is the heat capacity of air (1200 J m-3 K-1)

Eddy Covariance Systems

Example - Sensible heat flux density

Latent Heat Flux Density

For many ecosystems, with a sufficient moisture supply latent heat flux \(H_L\) will exceed sensible heat flux \(H_S\).

:::{column width=“50%”}

  • \(H_L\) is equivalent evapotranspiration from the ecosystem (when \(H_L > 0\) W m-2):
    • Evaporation (from surfaces) + transpiration (from plants)

:::{column width=“50%”}

::: ::::

Take home points

  • Measurement of convective exchange is more difficult compared to conduction / diffusion.
  • Fluid flow can be laminar or turbulent.
  • Eddies are coherent parts of the flow that show homogeneous properties.
  • Mechanical and thermal convection create eddies (turbulence).
  • We can use Reynold’s notation to separate a signal into a turbulent and a mean part.
  • Direct measurement using eddy covariance method is possible - but requires sophisticated and expensive instrumentation and more tedious data analysis.