The calculation is important for photosynthesis. Plants respond to the number of photons they absorb rather than simply to the total energy absorbed.
Plants can only use photons in the visible range of the spectrum
This region is also called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
Radiation vs. Temperature
Wien’s displacement law
The wavelength of maximum emission (\(\lambda_{max}\)) from an object is inversely proportional to the temperature T (in K) of its surface:
\lambda_{max} = \frac{b}{T}
A general approximation for a ‘blackbody’
b ≈ 2898 μm K
Wien’s displacement law
Can be used to determine T of an object without having to measure the flux density of emitted radiation.
As \(T \uparrow\) >> \(λ_{max} \downarrow\)
A hot iron:
Dull red > bright red > orange > yellow > white
Wavelength of red is longer than that of yellow
Short-wave vs. Long-wave
Short-wave vs. Long-wave
The exact boundary will vary from source to source; \(\lambda = 3 \mu m\) will be where we draw the distinction.
Higher energy radiation from the sun
Lower energy thermal radiation
Your peak emissions (iClicker)
The human body temperature is typically around 37 \(^{\circ}\) C, which is 310.15 K. What would the wavelength (\(\lambda\)) of a typical human’s peak emissions be (in \(\mu m\)) following Wein’s Law?
These terms vary by object and by \(\lambda\), but all radiation reaching an object must be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected.
Absorption Spectra
Absorption Spectra of Gasses in the Atmosphere
Reflection and Transmission
Whatever isn’t absorbed, must be either reflected, or transmitted.
Liquid water transmits visible light well
It absorbs very little visible radiation
And it reflects very little too
Absorption Spectra of Liquid Water
Accounting for reflectivity
Assuming the object isn’t transmissive (\(\tau \approx 0\)), which is the case for large objects like the earth across all but the longest wavelengths: \(a_{\lambda} + \alpha_{\lambda} = 1\)
We can extend Stefan-Boltzman to account for reflectivity.
Given this understanding, we can define Net Radiation (\(R_n\)) as the sum of all incoming (\(\downarrow\)) and outgoing(\(\uparrow\)) radiation components. We will specifically distinguish between short-wave (SW) and long-wave(LW) radiation.