Lecture Quiz 2


Processes relevant to long-wave radiation include in the Earth-Climate system include:

  1. Absorption and Reflection
  2. Emission only
  3. Absorption and Emission
  4. Reflection and Emission
  5. Absorption, Reflection and Emission


  1. Absorption, Reflection and Emission


Earth’s atmosphere appears to be in radiative deficit (i.e., \(R_n\) of the atmosphere is negative). Why isn’t the atmosphere cooling over time?

  1. Greenhouse gases trap the outgoing \(LW\), keeping the atmosphere warmer than it otherwise would
  2. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased notably in the past 150 years
  3. Sensible and latent heat transported from earth’s surface make up for the radiative imbalance
  4. The release of latent heat during cloud formation makes up for the radiative imbalance
  5. A and B


  1. Sensible and latent heat transported from earth’s surface make up for the radiative imbalance


Which seedling is at greater risk of frost damage and why?

  1. Seedling # 1 because it has a larger sky view factor
  2. Seedling # 2 because it has a larger sky view factor
  3. Seedling # 1 because it has a smaller sky view factor
  4. Seedling # 2 because it has a smaller sky view factor
  5. Its impossible to say with only the information provided


  1. Seedling # 2 because it has a larger sky view factor


Assuming that \(SW\downarrow\) and \(LW\downarrow\) remain unchanged, \(R_n\) of a surface increases as:

  1. Albedo increases
  2. Surface temperature increases
  3. Surface temperature increases and albedo increases
  4. Temperature of the atmosphere decreases
  5. Albedo decreases and surface temperature decreases


  1. Albedo decreases and surface temperature decreases


You have five soil samples with the following properties, which will have the greatest drop in nighttime temperatures?

  1. Mineral soil (\(\theta_m = 50%\); \(\theta_o = 0%\)) with \(\theta_w = 10%\)
  2. Peat soil (\(\theta_m = 0%\); \(\theta_o = 15%\)) with \(\theta_w = 10%\)
  3. Mineral soil (\(\theta_m = 50%\); \(\theta_o = 0%\)) with \(\theta_w = 50%\)
  4. Peat soil (\(\theta_m = 0%\); \(\theta_o = 15%\)) with \(\theta_w = 75%\)
  5. Mixed mineral/organic soil (\(\theta_m = 25%\); \(\theta_o = 25%\)) with \(\theta_w = 50%\)


  1. Peat soil (\(\theta_m = 0%\); \(\theta_o = 15%\)) with \(\theta_w = 10%\)


When \(R_n\) is positive at a specific location over given period of time, it always indicates:

  1. There is an energy surplus at the surface
  2. \(LW^* < SW^*\)
  3. \(SW^* > 0\)
  4. Both A & C are correct
  5. A, B, & C are all correct


  1. There is an energy surplus at the surface


Kirchhoffs law has implications for Earth’s radiative budget because:

  1. Gases in the atmosphere that are effective absorbers of \(LW\) are also effective emitters of \(LW\)
  2. Earth’s surface is an effective absorber of \(SW\) which makes it an effective emitter of \(LW\)
  3. Earth’s surface is an effective absorber of \(LW\) which makes it an effective emitter of \(LW\)
  4. A, B, & C are all correct
  5. A & C are correct


  1. A & C are correct


Earth currently has an average surface temperature of is currently 15 ° C. When discussing the Radiation Budget of Plant Earth, we calculated that given Earth’s Planetary Albedo \(\alpha = 0.31\) and the solar constant of \(I_0 = 1361 W m^{-2}\), the Earth’s effective emissivity was \(\epsilon \approx 0.601\). Prior to human induced climate change, Earth’s average surface temperature was 13.9 ° C. Assuming the solar constant and planetary albedo haven’t changed significantly over this period, how human activity influenced the effective emissivity Earth?

  1. Human activity has increased \(\epsilon\) by \(\approx\) 0.009
  2. Human activity has decreased \(\epsilon\) by \(\approx\) 0.009
  3. Human activity has increased \(\epsilon\) by \(\approx\) 0.01
  4. Human activity has decreased \(\epsilon\) by \(\approx\) 0.001
  5. Climate change is not real; human activity has not changed \(\epsilon\)


  1. Human activity has decreased \(\epsilon\) by \(\approx\) 0.009

Current \(\epsilon_{Current}\) = 0.601

Preindustrial \(\epsilon_{pre-Industrial}\) = 0.61

Net change \(\epsilon_{Current}-\epsilon_{pre-Industrial} \approx\) -0.009


Which of the following statements are true:

  1. The Earth emits more \(LW\) to space than it receives from the space
  2. Assuming stable conditions (ie. ignoring climate change), the Earth \(LW\) emissions will balance out \(SW\) input from the Sun.
  3. Assuming stable conditions (ie. ignoring climate change), the Earth \(LW\) emissions will balance out \(SW\) input from the Sun because of Kirchhoff’s Law
  4. A & C are all correct
  5. A & B are correct


  1. A & B are correct


During phase changes, ____ is added to (or removed from) a substance, and its ____ ____ change.

  1. temperature,heat,does not
  2. heat,temperature,does
  3. heat,temperature,does not
  4. latent heat,temperature,does
  5. sensible heat,latent heat,does not


  1. heat,temperature,does not