Lecture Quiz 4


When the atmosphere is stable:

  • A. Vertical movement of air parcels in encouraged
  • B. Vertical movement of air parcels in suppressed
  • C. All movement of air parcels in suppressed
  • D. Air at the surface is warmer than the air above it
  • E. Air at the surface is very cold


  • B. Vertical movement of air parcels in suppressed


Which type of conditions would be associated with the worst air quality (high pollution levels) down-wind of a coal-fired power plant?

  • A. Unstable Conditions
  • B. Conditionally Unstable Conditions
  • C. Neutral Conditions
  • D. Stable Conditions
  • E. Very Windy Conditions


  • D. Stable Conditions


Figure 1 illustrates an example of:

Figure 1: Diagram of a mountain
  • A. Tectonic Uplift
  • B. Orogenic Events
  • C. Topography
  • D. Topology
  • E. Orographic Lift


  • E. Orographic Lift
# The adiabatic process equation (APE)

APE <- function(Parcel,z2){
  DALR = -0.01
  SALR = -0.006
  # Calculate the LCL
  LCL = (Parcel@Td-Parcel@T)/DALR+Parcel@z
  Parcel@LCL = LCL
  # Evaluate the APE and update the parcel temperature
  Parcel@T = Parcel@T + min((LCL-Parcel@z),(z2-Parcel@z))*DALR + max(z2-LCL,0)*SALR
  # Update the parcel's height and dewpoint if necessary

    Parcel@Td = Parcel@T
    Parcel@LCL = Parcel@z}

A = new("Parcel",T=3,Td=-1,z=1484,LCL=NaN)
A = APE(A,A@z)
B = APE(A,2133)
C = APE(B,1550)
D = APE(C,832)


In Figure 1, Parcel A is on the shore of garibaldi lake, with a surface elevation of 1484 m.a.s.l. with \(T\) = 3 \(^{\circ}\) C \(^{\circ}\) C and \(T_d\) = -1 \(^{\circ}\) C \(^{\circ}\) C. Assuming the DALR = -0.01 K m-1 and the SALR = -0.006 K m-1, what is the height of the LCL for parcel A?

  • A. 1884 m.a.s.l
  • B. 2133 m.a.s.l
  • C. 1700 m.a.s.l
  • D. 1484 m.a.s.l
  • E. 1884 m.a.s.l


    1. 1884 m.a.s.l


In Figure 1, location B represents the summit of panorama ridge, 649 m above the lake surface. If parcel A is blown up the slope, to location B, what would conditions at location B be like? Assume the DALR = -0.01 K m-1 and the SALR = -0.006 K m-1.

  • A. Rain will be likely location B
  • B. No precipitation will occur at location B because it is below the LCL
  • C. Snow will be likely at location B
  • D. There is not enough information to answer this question
  • E. No precipitation will occur at location B because it is above the LCL


  • C. Snow will be likely at location B


In Figure 1, location C represents Helm Creek Campground, which has an elevation of 1550 m.a.s.l. Assume parcel A is blown up and over location B, then down to location C. What would the air temperature be at location C? Assume the DALR = -0.01 K m-1 and the SALR = -0.006 K m-1.

  • A. Not enough information to answer the question.
  • B. -2.494 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • C. 3 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • D. 3.336 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • E. 10.516 \(^{\circ}\) C


  • D. 3.336 \(^{\circ}\) C


In Figure 1, location C represents Helm Creek Campground, which has an elevation of 1550 m.a.s.l. Assume parcel A is blown up and over location B, then down to location C. What would the dewpoint be at location C? Assume the DALR = -0.01 K m-1 and the SALR = -0.006 K m-1.

  • A. Not enough information to answer the question.
  • B. -2.494 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • C. 3 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • D. 3.336 \(^{\circ}\) C
  • E. 10.516 \(^{\circ}\) C


  • B. -2.494 \(^{\circ}\) C


In the atmosphere ____ is more efficient than ____ at transporting heat energy.

  • A. Diffusion,Convection
  • B. Convection,Diffusion
  • C. Advection,Convection
  • D. Advection,Diffusion
  • E. A, B, & C


    1. Convection,Diffusion


Mechanical convection cane be generated by:

  • A. Two layers of air passing one another with different velocities.
  • B. Skin friction as an air parcel moves over a surface.
  • C. Large obstructions blocking flow
  • D. B & C
  • E. A, B, & C


  • E. A, B, & C


Thermal convection:

  • A. Is caused by surface heating
  • B. Is more likely to occur during the day
  • C. Requires a consistent supply of kinetic energy
  • D. A & B
  • E. A B & C


  • D. A & B


Would you like one free extra credit point? There are multiple correct answers, but you only need to select one.

  • A. Yes!
  • B. Absolutely!
  • C. Of Course!
  • D. Why Not?
  • E. If it’s free, I’ll take it :)


  • A-E all get you a free point