Long-wave Radiation

Shortwave radiation is absorbed by the Earth and it’s atmosphere. It remitted as Long-wave radiation.

Long-wave radiation

Trees recorded in thermal infrared using a thermal scanner shown in false color

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the role of Long-wave radiation in the climate system.
  • Described how absorption and emission are linked & understand Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation.
  • Explain how we can measure Long-wave radiation.

What is ‘Long-wave’ radiation?

Objects emit radiation proportional to their temperature; adjusting for emittance as per the Stefan-Boltzmann equation for grey-bodies.

  • Wavelength (\(\lambda\)) > 3 \(\mu m\)
  • Long-wave radiation \(\approx\) thermal infrared radiation (TIR)
  • Exchanged between sky, surface and all surrounding objects

\[ E_g = \epsilon\sigma_b T^4 \qquad(1)\]

Review Short-wave vs. Long-wave

Peak spectral output of the Sun and Earth compared on a log scale

Peak spectral output of the Sun and Earth compared in natural units

Radiation Laws & Terminology

  • Planck’s Law: describes the full spectral output (spectra)
  • Wiens Law: gives the peak of the spectra
  • Stefan Boltzmann Law: gives the integral of the spectra
  • Beer’s Law: describes attenuation of radiation
  • Photosyntheically Active Radiation (PAR): \(\lambda\) 0.4-0.7 \(\mu\) m
  • Kirchhoff’s Law: relates emissivity to absorptivity

Short-wave vs Long-wave Imagery

Urban environment with buildings and trees recorded in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Same location, recorded using a thermal infrared (TIR) camera. Dark colors = low TIR flux densities, light colors = high TIR flux densities.

Kirchhoff’s Law

Assuming no transmission the absorptivity of a body (\(a_\lambda\)) equals its emissivity (\(\epsilon_{\lambda}\)).

\[ a_{\lambda} = \epsilon_{\lambda} \qquad(2)\]

  • A good absorber is a good emitter
  • A poor absorber is a poor emitter
  • Wavelength specific relationship

Kirchhoff’s Law

  • Only applies if the wavelength considered is the same
    • Do not mix them together
  • Only relevant to long-wave exchange in climatology
    • Earth-Atmosphere system is not hot enough to emit short-wave radiation
  • \(a_{\lambda}\) and \(\epsilon_{\lambda}\) are ratios (portions of a whole)

\[ a_\lambda + \tau_\lambda + \alpha_\lambda = 1 \qquad(3)\]

Kirchhoff’s Law

The atmosphere is a selective absorber (and emitter) of long-wave radiation.

  • Aerosols and clouds are dominant when present
  • Most significant absorbing gases:
    • H2O
    • CO2
    • O3
    • O2
    • N2O
    • CH4

Atmospheric absorption and emission

Kirchhoff’s Law tells us that since atmospheric absorption is concentrated at these wavelengths so is atmospheric emission.

  • Equally, at wavelengths where the atmosphere is poor at absorbing it is poor at emitting.

Atmospheric absorption and emission

Net Long-wave Flux Density

The net long-wave radiation flux density (\(LW^*\)) at the surface is the difference between the input from the atmosphere above (\(LW\downarrow\)) and the output surface (\(LW\uparrow\)).

\[ LW^* = LW\downarrow - LW\uparrow \qquad(4)\]

  • Surface output includes both emissions from surface and reflected \(LW\downarrow\)
    • Differs from \(SW*= SW\downarrow - SW\uparrow\)
    • \(SW\uparrow\) is only reflected \(SW\), earth doesn’t emit \(SW\)!

Net Long-wave Flux Density

We can re-formulate the previous equation in terms of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law:

\[ LW^* = LW\downarrow - \epsilon_{LW}\sigma_b T_s^4 -(1-\epsilon_{LW})LW\downarrow \qquad(5)\]

  • How is this equivalent?
  • Stefan-Boltzman gives us emissions from a surface temperature \(T_s\) with a long-wave emissivity of \(\epsilon_{LW}\)
  • \((1-\epsilon_{LW})\) gives us reflectivity

Net Long-wave Flux Density (iClicker)

The equation on the previous slide works for long-wave radiation, because for an opaque object like the Earth’s Surface:

\[ \alpha_{LW} = (1-a_{LW}) = (1-\epsilon_{LW}) \]

A - True

B - False

Long-wave exchange

Test your knowledge (iClicker)

Is long-wave radiation emitted by the surface generally greater than that emitted by the atmosphere?

  • Hint: is the surface usually warmer than the atmosphere?

A - Yes

B - No

Clear Skies

Figure 1: Incoming and Outgoing Long-wave Radiation at Burns Bog July 21st, 2023.

\(LW\downarrow\) = NaN w m-2

\(LW\uparrow\) = NaN w m-2

\(LW^* = LW\downarrow - LW\uparrow\) = NaN w m-2

Cloudy Skies (iClicker)

Figure 2: Incoming and Outgoing Long-wave Radiation at Burns Bog December 27th, 2022.

\(LW\downarrow\) = 350 w m-2

\(LW\uparrow\) = 350 w m-2

\(LW^*\) = ?

Which day was warmer? (iClicker)

Figure 3: A
Figure 4: B

The Greenhouse Gas Effect

The Greenhouse Gas Effect

  • Not a great analogy:
    • Warming mostly due to reduction of convective heat transfer
    • Much less due to \(LW\downarrow\) from the glass
  • In the Atmosphere convection is not constrained

The Greenhouse Gas Effect

  • Perhaps it would be better called the sweater effect?
    • A sweater works by trapping and recycling \(LW\) emitted from your body

Yarrow wears a sweater to reduce her \(LW\) flux density and stay warm

The Greenhouse Gas Effect

The atmosphere is a selective absorber (and emitter) of long-wave radiation.

  • Aerosols and clouds are dominant when present
  • Most significant absorbing gases:
    • H2O
    • CO2
    • O3
    • O2
    • N2O
    • CH4

View factors

The view of the sky from an object (sky view factor; \(\psi_{sky}\)) is significant in quantifying Long-wave exchange at night. + The sky is usually ‘cold’ and an effective heat sink

Implications of \(\psi_{sky}\)

A stand of trees can keep livestock warm at night by reducing the animals’ \(\psi_{sky}\)

A tent reduces the \(\psi_{sky}\) to zero for the occupants!

These enclosures provide a source of longwave radiation to the young grape plants at night

Measuring \(LW\)

This is a pyrgeometer

Measuring \(LW\downarrow\) and \(LW\uparrow\)

Take home points

  • Long-wave radiation is emitted from Atmosphere (gases, aerosols, droplets) and surface at ambient temperatures.
  • Kirchhoff’s Law states that for a certain wavelength the absorptivity \(a_{\lambda\)} equals emissivity \(\epsilon_{\lambda}\).
  • Absorptivities and emissivities of most natural surface materials are high in the Long-wave, but not for gases.
    • The ‘atmospheric window’ is a region in the Long-wave where few gases interfere - often transparent.